Leaders and Teams Want a Place They Belong To

I can't even tell you how much I love the space of leading human beings.

I launched a new leadership track series for 12 months of leadership development with your leaders, teams and me.

Given the work that I am so honoured to do this past year, I took away a few things I feel are important writing about and for you to know about.

For starters, it depends on the company and culture you have; however, it's still a place of work. In this system of an organization, there are beliefs, norms, and assumptions contributing to how we show up at work. All in all, these are the themes I notice when I deliver workshops and coaching programs to a group of people over a period of time. 

  • People want to feel like they belong somewhere and to something
  • People want to be seen for who they are 
  • People want to share their wisdom and experiences
  • People want to be acknowledged
  • People want to feel safe
  • People want to self-express
  • People want to be heard
  • Some, not all, want to feel more connected to the people they work with
  • People want the politics to stop
  • People want to do meaningful work
  • People want to feel that they are valued and respected
  • People want the skills and tools to do their jobs easier
  • People want to be better for themselves and each other
  • People want to trust each other
  • People want to be a little if not a lot less stressed than they are now
  • People want leaders to walk the talk
  • People want a vision
  • People want more time to spend with their families and friends

I see it every time. Every time I run a workshop, program or retreat. When you pay attention to your people, they grow and thrive. When you create a place of safety and trust, something magical happens. When you are able to say to someone, "This is what you are made of" behaviours shift and transform. There's more confidence, self-awareness, openness, intention, integrity and respect. I've worked with groups of people who were almost given up on, and I came in as the force of nature that I am and offered them what they needed because I met them where they were at, not where I expected them to be. I came with a lot of patience and a lot of love. I call it to grow the leader within, and I needed to see them with their uniqueness and magnificence. It takes a lot of courage to work with people in this way, it's vulnerable, and you never know what to expect or how they will respond. 

Behavioural change takes time and doesn't come in a 3-hour workshop. It's a process and over time, a series of touchpoints.

Below are some important takeaways from my leadership track series:

  • I permit others to believe in themselves so they can achieve greatness
  • I work with each person's unique strengths so that they discover where they want to go next
  • I open up the conversation of values and what's most important so they can do something with it
  • I grow and develop trust threw authenticity and vulnerability
  • I create a sense of belonging and bonding for the teams and leaders I work with
  • I have fun, be myself, and see others thrive

I see people show up differently when they work with me for 12 months in organizations. They are more kind, generous, self-aware, open, willing to share their wisdom, have each other's backs, and I feel more of their presence. They ask more questions, speak up, have more fun and are okay with being vulnerable. They share their feelings, ask for what they need, and respect is hi-rocketed in the room. It's truly incredible. Behavioural change isn't giving your teams more tools and skills and the "how" necessarily, its about experiential learning and self-discovery before we get to the "how".

I have the road map, and I'd love to speak with you to learn more about what your leaders and teams are facing. I'll meet them where they are at and come with a ton of compassion, respect, wisdom and courage along the way. 

To find out more, click here to learn more about my 12-month leadership track series for organizations. 

If you want to chat with me directly, book a complimentary consultation chat with me here.

I can't wait to chat with you.

Sonia Grossi

Co-Active Leadership Coach, Facilitator, Leadership Expert


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